Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Color Festival and Stake Talent Show

So a lot happened this weekend. I don't even know where to begin!

On Saturday was the Hindu Color Festival in Spanish Fork. My friend Janessa would get extra credit in one of her classes if she went to the festival but we mostly went for fun. There was 4 of us that went. There was me, Janessa, Kaitlyn and Sam. When we got there, it was so crowded! We put sheets over the seats of my friends car, just to make sure that we didn't get her car dirty. We then headed for the chalk. We got 3 packets of chalk which actually go a long way. They look like there isn't much in the bag but once you open it, theres a lot in there. So we walked around and looked at different shops and while we were walking around, people would randomly throw chalk on us. The throwing of the colors didn't actually start til about 1pm and we were there at about 12:30pm. We stood in a spot just talking and it became more and more crowded around us. The closer it got to 1, the more chalk was thrown. Once they counted down the throwing the chalk, the atmosphere around us became very dark and loud. We couldn't see the sun at all. Pink clouds of chalk were everywhere! It hurt when you inhaled it through your nose and it burned your eyes if you looked around. Once the chalk clouds died down, we started taking pictures. It was so much fun to see the 'before' and 'after' pictures. We then did some modeling by the Holi Krishna Temple that was there. We wanted to go inside but we had to be somewhat cleaned off so this lady took a leaf blower to us all and clouds of chalk came up again. It was so awesome to see how much chalk left my body and how much stayed on. Inside the temple was beautiful! Everything was polished and clean and gorgeous. We stayed in there for a little while and then just chilled around. People were completely covered from head to toe there.

On Monday was the Stake Talent Show. It was at the institute. I was so nervous but I think once I got up on the stage, I was fine. I danced and lip synced my little heart out. People laughed a lot which made me very happy. I did the "Snowman" gig but I had to cut it in half so I did the first half of my whole performance. Everyone loved it which made me very very very happy :) I then did homework galore! Janessa had a ton of homework to do as well. I thought I wasn't going to stay up very later....yeah....I was wrong about that. I worked on my history paper thats due today and I didn't get to bed til about 5 this morning. I'm running on about 4 hours of sleep today. I am SO tired. But the paper is finished and I think it's good. I am going to dinner with a friend tonight. His name is Casey. We're going to the Snow Dragon. I love that place! Coconut Chicken all the way! :) Well thats all for now I guess. I registered for school for fall semester. I'm taking 16 credits. Half of the classes are fun classes. I think Mom, Grandma, Aunt Kaye, Aunt Gayle and Tresa would be very happy for me to say that I am taking a sewing class in the fall :)


Gayle J. Randall said...

Sounds like lots of fun, including the "all nighter." Your memories of college will be so much better because you are blogging them! Have lots of fun in college! You are at a great age!

Kaye said...

Hooray sewing class! I hope you like it. It's a great skill to have, plus Patchplay can always use the help.