Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Yay! Job!

I finally have a job! I'm going to be working at McDonald's! Yes, this is the same McDonald's that Vanessa and Phil worked at. I start tomorrow (Wed.) with my orientation and then I just start working. I'm so glad I have a job now. More money for college! haha

My roommate and I are going to the Manti Pageant tonight and we're staying at one of my student wards bishops house. Make sense? haha I'm very excited to see this. I haven't seen this show in well over 10 years. I remember going when I was little and falling asleep as soon as it started. I know I won't fall asleep this time! ha!

Life is going good. Just helping out with my family as much as I can. We got in our cooler yesterday so we have air conditioning! Stuart and Vanessa and Danny came out this weekend which was nice. We got to talk and play a game. It's crazy how time is flying by so fast! SLOW DOWN! haha just kidding. But anyway, thats about all I have for now.

1 comment:

Mardee said...

Hi Emily,
It's Danny's mom...I just found your blog on Danny and Vanessa's. I am so glad that you got a job! I keep asking Vanessa and the news was never good, so YIPPEE for you! Sometimes you just gotta take what you can get, and McDonald's sounds like a good one! :)